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You are a bit confused. They don't. If you mean "why are X-rays held up to the light to see details," that's different. X-ray film turns dark when irradiated. Then the film is developed so that people can examine it. I don't agree. X-Rays are a form of light. A light, precisely. However, they do not "use" light waves, and the person above me is wrong in that sense, and does not know that X-Rays are a form of light. They don't use light waves, they are simply in that form - light waves - because that is how they work. I don't know quite how to explain it, but it is not a sound wave or any other type of wave, only light. They are very small, which is why X-Rays show your bones. However, they have radiation effects. (Notice that radiate means to radiate heat, which comes from light?) These effects can only happen with light waves.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

X-rays got the name because when they were first discovered, they did not know exactly what kind of ray it was or where it came from. They called them "X" rays, for "unknown" rays. Apparently, the name stuck.
X Rays were given their name because their discoverer did not know of their nature.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

X-rays are high energy electromagnetic waves, and they can penetrate and pass through the body. This allows medical investigators to be able to see internal features within a patient, and things like bones show up well in the image. If a patient presents with what is suspected to be a broken bone, a medical X-ray will show a clinical team the skeletal layout and reveal any fractures or breaks. That's just one example of the use of the medical X-ray. And using contrast agents opens up a whole other area of possibilities for use of this technology.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

becasuse it helps them see if there is anything broken or wrong in ur body

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because it lets them see where a problem is in someones body, it can show them a crack in a bone or a tumor, or cancer.

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