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...that depends a lot on day of conception(not neccassarily sex, but conception can be between the day of sex and three days after). If its around 5 days after conception then it could very possibly be. Implantation bleeding. Although implantation bleeding is usually light and spotty. Some women do mistake it for a normal menstrual cycle. if its too late after conception for it to be implantion bleeding (which occurs days fivr after conception or some others say 6-12 days after) , then you could have had a miscarriage. Common in the first trimester, this is especially possible if cramping pains went with this. (But the cramps could be oregnancy pains too) ...just try not to worry... what ever happens or has happened is for a reason! Best of luck! Xoxo

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Q: Is it a period or heavy implantation bleeding?
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Could it be implantation bleeding if it's bright red and very heavy with signs of clots?

No this is a normal heavy period. Implantation bleeding is usually light.

Can implantation bleeding be almost as heavy as a regular period?

It shouldn't be

Can implantation ever be heavy?

Implantation bleeding is typically light and can be described as spotting. It is not usually heavy like a menstrual period. If bleeding during implantation becomes heavy or is accompanied by severe pain, it is important to contact a healthcare provider to rule out other potential causes.

Could a light pinkish discharge instead of a period be implantation bleeding?

Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation.

Does implantation bleeding have an odor?

no it dont only a normal period will have a odor not a implantation bleeding

Can you have heavy cramps with implantation bleeding?

They shouldn't be heavy cramps

Can implantation bleeding change from brown to red?

implantation bleeding can either be a brown or really light pink color if it goes red your probably experiencing a regular period especially if the bleeding starts out light and gets a little more heavy

Can implantation bleeding be heavy?

yep, but i heard it still should be lighter than your normal menstrual, if you truly expect pregnany get the bleeding checked out for possibility of a misscarraige answer that's wrong that's just a period while pregnant. Implantation bleeding is a tiny bit of blood which will always stay light its nothing like a period and it doesn't follow a period pattern neither. Implantation bleeding is rare not every women gets it but also Implantation bleeding can look different for every girl who has it cause we all have different bodies. My implantation bleeding lasted 1 day which was string pink blood in my discharge. Implantation bleeding can last 1-3 days it can be a spot of blood or blood in discharge its tiny bit of blood you can hardly notice it so I wouldn't say it gets heavy or nothing like a period I think people are getting it wrong and that's why people are thinking Implanation bleeding is just like a period WHEN ITS NOT. FROM PINK PRINCESS

Implantation bleeding a month after missed period?

No. If you are pregnant and having bleeding you should see your doctor. Implantation bleeding only occurs during implantation not a month after.

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding before a regular period?

Yes, it is possible to experience implantation bleeding before a regular period. Implantation bleeding can occur about 6-12 days after conception, typically around the time of your expected period. This bleeding is usually light and may be mistaken for a menstrual period.

Is it is possible to have an implantation bleeding on ninth day of your missed period just for a day?

is it possible to have implantation bleeding on ninth day of your missed period

Does implantation bleeding stop and start or is it continuous?

Implantation bleeding is usually light and intermittent, meaning it can stop and start over a few days. It is not continuous like a regular menstrual period. If you are experiencing heavy or continuous bleeding, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider.