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sexy, sex, cute, gorgeous, adorable, chit chatting, sexy girl, my boyfriend

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Q: What are some cute love words?
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What words start with the root the philo?

Some words that start with the root "phil-" include philosophy (love of wisdom), philanthropy (love of humanity), and philharmonic (love of music).

What are some cute short words?

Some cute short words include "snuggle," "bloom," "twinkle," and "giggle."

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There are many cute love signatures one can use when texting. For instance, love only yours or property of a specific person.

What are some cute love related things to say in Japanese?

aishteru it means i love you!

If you love someone you can arrange dis 13 letters into 3 words eyatoeuucr?

You are cute.

Why are some babies so cute?

So their mothers love them

What word has a suffix -cute?

"Cute" itself does not have a suffix. The word "execute" contains the suffix -cute.

What are some cute but random words?

kitten, bunny, fuzzy

Do some men love Selena Gomez?

I'm sure there are people who do love her. She is very sweet and cute.

How can you make your mom love hamsters?

By showing it to her and make it do some funny thing then she will see how cute they are...then she will love them

How can you tell if a guy likes you through words?

well maybe they they can tell you by using love dovey words like sweetie, cute, adorable.

What are some words that rhyme with cute?

Chute Hoot Lute Route