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brain surgery

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Q: What does Neurosurgery mean?
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Related questions

When was Journal of Neurosurgery created?

Journal of Neurosurgery was created in 1944.

When was Neurosurgery - journal - created?

Neurosurgery - journal - was created in 1977.

Neurosurgery or neurobiology?

This cannot be answered. I am not understanding what you are wanting to known about neurosurgery and neurology.

When was British Journal of Neurosurgery created?

British Journal of Neurosurgery was created in 1987.

Another name for brain surgery?

Another name for brain surgery is neurosurgery.

What is a sentence for neurosurgery?

Dr. Jamison is the head of the neurosurgery department at St. Mary's hospital. He has been diagnosed with brain tumor and he'll need neurosurgery as soon as possible.

Can neurologists perform neurosurgery?


What kind of word this is neurosurgery?

The word 'neurosurgery' is a singular, common noun; a word for the branch of surgery concerned with the nervous system; a word for a thing.

The field of brain surgery is called what?


Are there any neurosurgery job openings in the Boston area?

Yes, there are neurosurgery job openings in the Boston area. You can see all the openings at

What is the minimum salary of a neurosurgery doctor in the us?


What is nurosurgery?

Neurosurgery is surgery involving the brain and covering structures.