PO means is a Latin abbreviation for "by mouth" and HS is a Latin abbreviation for "at night" so that the medication by mouth at night.
The abbreviation h.s. is from the Latin "hors somni" (at the hour of sleep) or bedtime.It can also be an abbreviation for half strength.
CRP HS is not a blood disorder; it's a chemical in the blood (C reactive protein).
The medical abbreviation for bedtime is h.s. (hora somni).
1 tab poq hs means "take one tablet by mouth every night." The abbreviation "po" stands for "by mouth" and "hs" stands for "at bedtime."
h.s. means LATIN hora somni "at bedtime."
This is an order, usually written by a medical practitioner, probably for someone who suffers from hypoglycemia. The orange juice will get the blood sugar level up. "Two ounces of orange juice, four times daily (qid), before meals (ac) and at bedtime (h.s. [hour of sleep/bedtime]). "
AC and HS mean before meals and bedtime, respectively.AC and HS means before meals and at bedtime.ac = before mealshs = hours of sleep
The medical term for "at night" is "nocturnal." This term is often used to describe animals or organisms that are active during the night.
HS is bedtime and qhs is every bedtime. Depending on context, they might mean the same thing. If you're instructed to take a medication hs x30 days, you can assume that's qhs x30d.
I suppose its "hora somni" (Latin), HS.