CPT Code 15260 - Full thickness graft, free, including direct closure of donor site, nose, ears, eyelids, and/or lips; 20 sq cm or less.
4200 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260-0001
what is medical code 99255
What is medical procedure code 92133
Medical code 4004F is for tobacco screening.
What is medical procedure code 92133
Code 58210 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range: Hysterectomy Procedures.
The medical code 94664 in medical marijuana is to educate the people how to intake the medicine.
Medical code A9270 is a HCPCS code, and the description is a noncovered supply or services.
a medical assistant should never code a patient as having what unless its is documented in medical record
The medical code 242.1 is used for the diagnosis of toxic or hyperthyroidism.
medical code for patient is obese is 300.3