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Gastroenterocolitis (gastr/o meaning stomach; enter/o meaning small intestine; col- meaning large intestine; and - itis meaning inflammation.)
It's called small intestine bacterial infection short for Sibo

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ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis

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Crohn's disease is chronic inflammation of the ileum.

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Ulcerative colitis

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Q: What is the medical term meaning inflammation of the stomach small intestine and large intestine?
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What is inflammation of the stomach small intestine and colon known as?

Gastritis is the inflammation of the lining of the stomach.

What is the medical term meaning chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract?

The medical term for chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract is "inflammatory bowel disease" (IBD). This condition includes two main types: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, which are characterized by inflammation and damage in different parts of the digestive tract. Management of IBD involves medications, lifestyle changes, and sometimes surgery.

What is the root for gastroenteritis?

gastr meaning stomach or belly enter meaning intestine itis meaning inflammation

What is the medical term meaning pain in the stomach and intestine?

Gastroenteralgia is the medical term meaning pain in the stomach and intestine.

What is the medical term that describes an inflammation in the stomach and small instestine?

The passageway from the throat to the stomach is the esophagus. Esophagitis is the medical term meaning inflammation of this passageway.

What term describes an inflammation of stomach and small intestine?

inflammation of the jejunum and ileum

What body part does the medical root word gastro refer to?


What is inflammation of stomach small intestine and colon?


What is the inflammation of the stomach small intestine and colon?


What is the medical term meaning suture of the intestine?

Enterorrhaphy is the medical term meaning surgical suture of the intestine. A related term, enteroplasty, means surgical repair of the intestine.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning stomach and small intestine?

enter/oenter/othe small intestine is the main organ for digestion food . contrary to popular belief digestion does NOT take place in the stomach . THE stomach main function is to break -down food stuffs into make if soft and easily absorbed using strong acids

What greek stems are in the word gastroenteritis?

The Greek stems in the word "gastroenteritis" are "gastro" which means stomach and "enter" which refers to the intestine, and "itis" which denotes inflammation. Together, the word describes inflammation of the stomach and intestine.