Hueless: adjective: definition: colorless; having no color The antonym/opposite of hueless would be: color; colorful; hue; shade; tint; tone; pale; tinge; gradation; chromaticity
Hueless: adjective: definition: colorless; having no color The antonym/opposite of hueless would be: color; colorful; hue; shade; tint; tone; pale; tinge; gradation; chromaticity
Jonas had a very hueless day. It was dark and grey.
i had a dark and hueless day today, remarked mom as she sat down to eat dinner.
Definition: without color
"Hueless" is a term used in "The Giver" to describe the lack of color in the society. It is a concept that is prevalent throughout the book rather than being contained to a specific page.
Hue: noun: definition: a color or shade of a color; a particular shade of a color; a property of a color that enables it to be perceived, determined by its dominant wavelength.Antonym/Opposite of Hue: hueless; colorless; dull; pale; pallid; wan; bloodless; waxen; ashen
1. A hueless male human (If you assign gender to the word "man.")OR2. A colorless Homo sapien (If the word "man" has no gender assigned to it.)
The opposite (antonym) of opposite is same.
opposite of opposite to opposite from
An opposite of the word "to" is from.