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Fundi is the plural form of fundus.

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Q: What is the plural form of fundus?
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Plural for fundus?

The plural form of the noun 'fundus' is fundi.

How do you change fundi from plural to singular?

The noun 'fundi' is the plural of the singular noun 'fundus'.

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What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'real estate'?

The Latin for 'real estate' is fundus praedium. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'fundus' means 'ground'. The noun 'praedium' means 'sureties'. The literal translation is 'ground of the sureties'.

What is a ancient roman farming estate that uses enslaved people?

There was not a name for a farming estate which used slave labour. Slaves worked on large landed estates. These were called fundi (plural of fundus) or latifundia (plural of latifundium, "spacious" + fundus, "farm, estate"). The name remained after these estates stopped using slave labour.

When was John Fundus born?

John Fundus was born in 1951.

When was Kenneth Fundus born?

Kenneth Fundus was born in 1961.

What is the plural form of do and don't in a sentence?

The plural form of "do" is "do" and the plural form of "don't" is "don't." These words do not change in the plural form when used in a sentence.

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The plural form of him, her, or it is them. (objective pronouns)

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Bridges is the plural form of bridge.

What is the plural form of was?

The plural form of "was" is "were."

What is the plural form of I?

The plural form of "I" is "we."