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potsdam conference

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It was the Yalta Conference. Not Potsdam.

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Q: After what conference was it agreed to divide Occupied Germany into four sectors?
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At the Yalta Conference Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin agreed upon the occupied zones of .?


What allies agreed to divide Germany into zones?

The French, Americans, Russians and Britons decided to divide Germany into zones when they met at the Yalta Conference.

What was the significance of the teheran conference?

Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to attack Germany on the Western Front.

At the potsdam conference which nation did the allies agree to split into four zones of occupation?

At the Potsdam Conference, the Allies agreed to split Germany into four zones of occupation.

What involved dividing Germany into sections controlled by the Soviet Union and the western powers?

The Yalta Agreement. The division was agreed to at the Potsdam Conference in August of 1945 after Germany surrendered.

What was the conference where Soviets promised free elections in Poland?

"He agreed at the Potsdam Conference. " ** Actually this is incorrect. Stalin agreed to hold free elections at the Yalta Conference.

What was agreed at the Munich Conference in 1938?

The Munich conference was a meeting of four European countries (Italy, France, Great Britain and Germany). The agreement allowed Germany to annex Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. Czechoslovakia was not present at this conference, and it should be noted that this land contained key heavy industries, as well as 3 million Germans.

What was decided at the Yalta conference?

Basically it set the plans for postwar Europe. Stalin agreed to enter the war against Japan 3 months after Victory in Europe, the big 3 agreed to a free and liberated Eastern Europe with free elections, the division of Germany and the division of Berlin, and set vague plans for the yet unformed United Nations.

What were 3 results of the yalta conference?

Three of the topics discussed at the Yalta Conference were: The unconditional surrender of Germany, which was the main priority. Soviet leader Stalin agreed to fight against the Empire of Japan within 90 days of the fall of Germany. Nazi war criminals were to be tracked down and subjected to trial.

How did yalta conference shape the postwar world?

divied Germany into four zones, agreed to allow free elections in Poland and other eastern European coutries now.

What was the 1942 conference call that established the Final Solution?

The Wannsee Conference, but it is not agreed that it established the Final Solution.

Which conference did Winston Churchill demand free elections for the country?

At the Yalta Conference, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin agreed that all of the countries liberated from Nazi occupation should be granted free elections. Sadly, Stalin did not honor his promise and occupied the Eastern European countries that he liberated.