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Q: Are there any facts about evacuees in World War 2?
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Did evacuees get sent to Aldershot in World War 2?

No because it was a military town and had a military cemetery. All the evacuees were sent to locations that did not have any military presence or manufacturing.

Is There Any Famous Evacuees From World War 2?

Anne frank, Des o'connor, Bruce Forsyth, Michael Caine.

Where there any evacuees in World War 1?

There may have been evacuees but no one has any prove. Except for in 1917 when two girls sent a letter home to their brother but no one knows if they were just on holiday or if they actually been evacuated.

What was the most popular transport for the evacuees in world war 2?

It actually was any truck. jeep, even an ox cart they could use

What happened 2 evacuees after the war?

Depending on which War. Any evacuees after the War were returned to their place of origin, at least by the Allies. The Communists treated them terribly and many were sent to interment camps for reeducation and slave labor.

Where did they send World War 2 evacuees?

The evacuees went to these locations: Dorset, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, all of Wales, The Lake District in the Northwest, The Highlands of Scotland, and the south coast. Some places the children and adults were evacuated to such as Plymouth and Bristol were bombed so they had to move the kids again to other places.

Are there any facts about the weapons used in world war 1?

the tragedy of mustard gas which was outlawed by the Geneva Convention

Why couldn't did evacuees in the ww2 war any clothes because they had to wear certain clothes to impress the wardan?

Because they probley was poor and only could pay for brown old stuff

Is there any cheats for world AT war on Facebook not world war but world at war?

there is no cheat for this game

What are facts about the Spartan army?

they don't wear any shoes during the war.

What are some good episodes of Hetalia to learn actual facts about World War 2?

I don't think there really are any. The show is loosely based on history, but emphasis on the "loosely".

How was World War I different from any war that had ever fought?

its the only war called world war 1