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who had th most battle casualties during the second world war, us.infantry

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Q: Army air corps casualties of World War 2?
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Judith A. Bellafaire has written: 'The Women's Army Corps' -- subject(s): History, United States, United States. Army. Women's Army Corps, Women, World War, 1939-1945 'The Army Nurse Corps' -- subject(s): History, Military nursing, United States, United States. Army Nurse Corps, United States. Nurse Corps 'The Army Nurse Corps in World War II'

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Army Service Corps

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WACs (for Women's Army Corps) , WAAF for Women's Auxiliary Air Force , WAVES for Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service .

What did a c c stand for during World War 1?

Army Cyclist Corps

Who headed the womens army corps in world war 2?

Ovets Culp Hobby

Where were the doctors of world war 2?

In the US Army Medical Corps, or the US Navy equivalents.

Who was women commander of the women's army corps during world war 2?

There weren't any.

What branch of service had the most casualities in World War 2?

US Army Air Corps

Is the US Army Air Corps of World War 2 the same as the Air Force?

Yes, the Air Corps was a branch of the US Army before and during World War 2. In 1947 it became an independent branch of the military: the US Air Force.

What is the name of the organization of woman in the US Army?

During World War 2, women in the Army were called WACs, and acronym of Women Army Corps.

What branch of the military has lost the most casualties in the current war with Iraq?

Army... by far. The Army has 2450 casualties. The Marine Corps follows with 872. The reason of so many army casualities is because the army is the biggest military branch therefore more deployment and more people to kill. More information can be found at