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1) Disconnect the power by shutting off the service disconnect before you begin treating him.

2) Check for an entrance or an exit wound caused by current flow. These are not usually life-threatening but can be serious.

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Q: As you treat an Airman for an electrical burn caused by a wiring short in a piece of flight line equipment what should you remember to do?
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As you treat an Airman for an electrical burn caused by a wiring short in a piece of flightline equipment, you remember to?

check for an entrance and exit wound

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It's important because not only will it not work properly. But can also cause damage to the equipment or the individual. Many electrical fires are caused by incorrect use/assembly of electrical equipment

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How do you treat for an electrical burn caused by a wiring short in a piece of equipment?

The first thing you need to do to treat an electrical burn is to rinse the area with water. After you have it rinsed, cover it with a bandage.

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The sounds are caused by the oscillations of the frequency changing from positive to negative when voltage is applied to electrical equipment.See related links below.

What is an electrical fault?

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A is a sudden increase or spike in electrical energy affecting the current that flows to electrical outlets?

A is a power surge, which can be caused by lightning strikes, tripped circuit breakers, or issues with the power company. It can damage electronic devices and appliances connected to the electrical system. Use surge protectors to safeguard your equipment.

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