World War II is a complex event in history with a number of factors involved in its origination and end. The war was fought between the Allied and Axis forces, resulting in an Allied victory. Please see the related links until a more thorough answer is provided.
It was the biggest war throughout history of the entire world.
On the History Channel.
The two wars were the first and the second world wars.
World War 1 was described at the time as the war to end all wars.Then came World War 2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War etc etc.Name a year in the history of the world when there has been no war.World War I.
Adolf Hitler was the person who began World War Two. He is considered the most hated man in all of history.
Kobe Bryant
yes it was
World War II is the deadliest war in history.
Cold War
Switzerland has a long history of neutrality.
Yes world war 2 was the bloodiest war in the history of the world. Over 1 billion people died in the fighting during world war 2.
It was the biggest war throughout history of the entire world.
he won world war 2
For a brief period of time, the US was alone as a world superpower.
World War 2
he won World War 2