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No. The fundamental issue to which all others were subordinated was slavery. The other, which was used to protect slavery was state soveriegnty. Although there are still legitimate differences over the proper constitutionally mandated roles of the federal and state governments, there is no longer any question of federal supremacy within constitutional limits. Furthermore, although there do remain regional differences, time, transportation and communication have created a sense of a single American identity which overtops regional or state identities. Michael Montagne

one of the biggest problems causing the civil war was that the south produced raw materials, such as cotton and then paid to ship it north so it could be made into goods that were sent back down south to be purchased by those in the south. since the 1960's a great number of industries have moved from the north to the south. perhaps the next civil war will be started by the north to get back all the jobs that went south in the last 2 decades.

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Q: Can the differences that caused the Civil War still be seen in American society?
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