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Yes, simply go to a recruiting station and speak with a recruiter. They can begin the process to enter you back into active duty depending on availabilty, and MEPS screening qualifications.

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Q: Can you go active air force being prior service?
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Is age 35 still the max is go into the air force?

No. Active duty Air Force - 27 Air Force Reserve - 34 *Age waivers are possible for those with prior military service.*

Can prior service join the air force?

Yes they can. I just joined the Air Force Reserve and I am prior service in the Army. It is hard to get into the AF reserves or active duty if you are prior service, because the recruiter has to do more work. Some recruiters do not want to go through the effort when they typically have more people wanting to join than positions that are open. However, it is possible and, if you really want to do it, keep trying until you find a recruiter who is willing to help you.

Does military prior active duty time in service transfer when you go reserves in a different branch of service?


im a 44 year old male with prior navy service. can i return to active navy service?

The navy service has age limitation for joining and activity services. Your age is already passes away for taking active part in the navy service. You should be under 25 years of age for active navy service.

Do you have to go in the army for the police force?

No, prior military service is not required to be a police officer.

Can you get into the army academy after you have served active duty?

Yes, you can go to West Point as a prior service cadet.

Is the air force taking prior service FY14 What are they going to take And are they taking people right now?

Right now the AF is not taking Prior Service for FY14 as a result of a temp hold.

Jobs in the army for prior service?

More MOS slots have been recently open for prior your local active duty recruiter to find out the details.good luck!

Why is the Royal Canadian Navy the senior service of Canada?

The RCN is the senior service because it was the first established professional military force in Canada. Prior to 1910 there was only the militia was a permenant force. And since the militia is not a professional standing military force the RCN resides as the senior service. Or I am completely wrong and it has to do with the British tradition of the navy always being the first established force. In any way, the RCN takes precedence before the other services on parade.

What is the cut off age in the military 2012?

Age requirements differ depending on branches of service, active duty, prior service, or reserves, but in general you must be between the ages of 17-39 with no prior service (NPS). Or between the ages of 17 and 59 for those with prior service (PS) and are able to complete 20 years of creditable service for retirement by age 60. But remember, If you are under 18 years old, you must have parental consent. For active duty enlisted, Air Force: Must be between 17-27 Army: Must be between 17-34 Coast Guard: Must be between 17-39 Marine Corps: Must be between 17-29 Navy: Must be between 17-34

How do you reenlist after an els in the af?

Go to your local Air Force recruiting centre. They also handle prior service enlistees.

Do you have to go through basic training for air force if you have prior navy service and completed navy basic training?
