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colonial legislatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governors' salaries

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Q: Colonial legislatures were often able to bend the power of the governors to their will because?
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Related questions

Why did conflict often arise between royal governors and colonial legislatures?

because they were stupid

What was the colonial participation in the Parliament?

During the colonial period, British colonies did not have direct representation in Parliament. Instead, they were subject to the authority of the British Crown and governed by appointed colonial governors and local colonial legislatures. However, colonists often voiced their grievances and desires through petitions and lobbying efforts, which sometimes influenced parliamentary decisions. This lack of representation in the decision-making process would eventually become one of the main grievances leading to the American Revolution.

What is the collective noun for governor?

The collective noun is a board of governors.

How often do the Board of Governors of the IMF meet?

The entire board of governors and alternate governors meets once a year in Washington, D.C., to formally determine IMF policies.

Colonial authors often unintentionally created caricatures of the cultures they tried to represent because they?

did not understand them.

New England colonial families were unique because of the presence of?

grandparents..they married yound so often lived to be grandparents

Why did colonial newspapers often have to be careful about what they printed?

Colonial newspapers had to be careful about what they printed because they were often censored by colonial governments or faced libel charges from individuals in power. Publishing controversial or critical content could lead to fines, imprisonment, or even the shutdown of the newspaper. Additionally, colonial newspapers relied on advertising revenue, so offending advertisers could result in financial repercussions.

How did colonial governors deal with the assemblies?

Colonial governors and assemblies had way too much power in upholding the law. The Colonial governor could order a person's house to be searched without anyone else's consent. The Colonial assembly acted much like a vigilante group, targeting certain people that they thought were spreading propaganda. This was all before the Bill of Rights was passed.

How were the colonists likely to respond to the governors' actions?

The colonists were likely to respond to the governors' actions with resistance and opposition. They were angered by the governors' oppressive and abusive policies, which violated their rights and freedoms. The colonists often engaged in acts of protest, such as boycotts and protests, to challenge the governors' authority.

Who led colonial militia?

They often elected their officers, otherwise they would be appointed by the colonial governor.

The urban middle class colonial American most often included?

The urban middle class in colonial America most often included the printers and apex.

How often must State legislatures redraw congressional districts to reflect population changes?

Every 10 Years