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banned travel by Americans on ships of belligerents

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Q: Congress passed strict neutrality laws between 1935 and 1937?
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Strict constructionists want congress to what?

Strict constructionists want Congress to use only expressed powers.

Did Swutzerland join in world war 1 or 2?

Switzerland maintained strict neutrality during both wars

What do Strict constructionists want Congress to?

Strict constructionists want Congress to use only expressed powers.

Why did the US abandon its position of strict neutrality during the late 1930s?

The US abandoned it's strict neutrality position in the late 1930s due to Hitler's rise to power. World War II was gearing up, and the US needed to step in to help keep the Axis powers from winning the war.

Strict rule passed by prosouthern congressmen?

The strict rules that were passed by congressmen who supported the South were called gag resolutions. The purpose of the resolutions was to prohibit discussions of slavery.

The effects of the French Revolution in America?

It was a divided issue with Jeffersonians supporting the French and Washington demanding strict neutrality on European affairs.

What is a 5th grade sentence with congress in it?

During the Civil War, Congress wanted strict punishments for the Southern states.

Did congress pass the alien and sedition acts in an effort to protect the security of the nation?

The Federalists responded with the strict laws to protect the nation's security. In 1798 they passed a group of measures known as the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Who would argue for a narrow interpretation of the powers of congress?

A strict constructionist.

Why was nazi attack on holland and Belgium overwhelmingly successful?

Both countries (as well as Luxembourg) had already announced their strict neutrality and were simply not prepared for invasion.

How did the French Revolution effect the American politics?

It was a divisive issue with Jefferson urging US aid to the French and Washington insisting on strict neutrality.

Is it true the confederation congress placed strict regulations on interstate commerce?

yes its true