The course of World War II, leading up to the end of 1940, was an expansion of territory by the country of Germany. Germany was beginning to invade its neighboring countries.
The people who were being deported in World War I maintained an optimistic attitude until arrival at the camps.
Delaying sending troops to europe until they were trained.
Victory in Europe Day or VE Day was the public holiday celebrated on 8 May 1945 to mark the end of the Second World War in Europe after all the European Axis forces surrendered to the Allies.However, this day did not mark the end of the Second World War itself, as Japan continued to fight and the Second World War did not end until Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945.
because of the first world war, much of Europe and also America was suffering due to the lack of money they had. Most of Europe's money went to funding the war, and most of America's money went to France, Great Britain and Russia to also assist in the war effort. therefore, from 1929-1945, there was a depression all over Europe due to one war, and it doesn't end until the second world war. follow me on instagram @noitsjustme :)
The war began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. It didn't become a true "world war" until the Japanese attacked America on December 7, 1941, after which fighting was then in both the eastern and western arenas.
potatoestomatoescornNone of these were in Europe until after discovery of the New World
No. It wasn't until the end of WW2 that troops were stationed in Europe.
European country divided after world war 11
Soviet Union
Of course, soldiers really do exists until today. If they don't exists then the World will not be protected.
The Soviet Union!
Eastern Europe, until 1989.
World War II was fought in Europe from 1st September 1939 until the German surrender on 7th May 1945.
cause the titanic food
From 1st September 1939 until 8th May 1945.
it brought new ideas to Europe and increased religios intolerance around the world until recantly
Of course! When creating a world, click on the Gamemode button underneath the world name and seed until you see Creative.