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Yes, from 1934 Himmler was head of the SS and the entire German police, uniformed and secret. He was head of the entire Nazi terror apparatus.

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Q: Did Heinrich Himmler head Germany's secret police?
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Who was the leader of the Nazi Secret Police?

adolf Hitler

Nazi leader of the Gestapo?

Technically, the Gestapo was under the control of the SS after 1934, so the head was Heinrich Himmler, who was the worst of all Nazis in my opinion, and made Hitler look like a political moderate. Before 1934, Herman Goring, one of the least culpible Nazis was in charge and this led to a rivalry between the P.O.S. Himmler and the World War 1 hero and fighter pilot ace Goring. However, because of their fear of the S.A and its leader, Ernst Rohm, the made a truce and convinced Hitler to get rid of the SA leadership in what became known as the night of the long knives. After that the Gestapo became a branch of the SS under nominal control of Himmler, who appointed Reinhard Heydrich as the figurehead of the orginazation with Heinrich Muller running most of it's day to day operations. It is important to note that the gestapo was more of a security force, comprable to the CIA and KGB, and though some of the lower ranked commisioned officers were no doubt guilty of some horrible instances of war crimes, they were not part of pos Himmlerts roving death squads.

What was heinrich himmler in charge of?

Himmler was in charge of the SS. The SS were the black uniformed private army of the Nazi party and were in charge of the death camps.HoweverThere also existed the WAFFEN-SS, who were the actual combat private army. It is important to know that the two differ from each other. Many people confuse or thing its all the same.Himmler in the end killed himself by taking poison. He had thought up to the end that everything was cool, and that the Allies would treat him different. No luck- and he ended up killing himself when his bubble burst and was captured. He was 47 years old.

What is secret police in World War 2?

Germany's secret police were the "SS". 2nd world war Germany's secret police was " Gestapo " you can pronounce like gastapo.

What did the Gestapo do?

The Gestapo (contraction of Geheime Staatspolizei; "secret state police") was the official secret police of Nazi Germany. Under the overall administration of the SS, it was administrated by the RSHA and was considered a dual organization of the Sicherheitsdienst and also a suboffice of the Sicherheitspolizei.

Related questions

Head of the german secret police?

Heinrich Himmler

Who was the leader of the Nazi Secret Police?

adolf Hitler

In Nazi Germany the leader of the Gestapo was?

Also known as the GESTAPO, or secret police was under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler

Who was Germany's secret police organization called?

GeStaPo (Geheime Staatspolizei -> Secret State Police)

Who directed the Nazi secret forces?

Heinrich Himmler

Head of nazi secret police?

The Nazi secret police or the Gestapo was headed by Heinrich Himmler. When World War 2 broke out, he was considered as one of the most feared men in Europe and Nazi Germany.

What service did Heinrich himmler serve in?

Heinrich Himmler served in the german secret service the SS and he was the leader of the SS and he eventually killed himself by anthrax pill

Who dictated Hitlers secret army?

The SS was under the command of Heinrich Himmler.

What was the most important thing Heinrich Himmler did?

The most important thing he did was planning and executing the deportation of Jew's and being in charge of the Gestapo which were the secret police who protected the Nazi party from any conspirators who were planning to overthrow them

Was Joseph Stalin head of the SS?

No, Stalin was the head of the Soviet Union and overall head of the secret police, the NKVD. The SS were a group of soldiers forming Hitler's (Germany) bodyguards.The SS was also part of the secret police.

What was the highest rank heinrich himmler served?


Which leading Nazi controlled the secret police?

Himmler was the Reichsführer (Imperial Leader) of the dreadful SS and Gestapo + Common Police (Schupo).