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well he was miserable. He lost his father and mother by sixteen, I believe. I know (because I have read Mein Kampf) that once he lost his parents he had no money to go to school. Therefore I get the thought that he thought no one should be more fortunate than him other than his fellow people.(People with German blood)

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15y ago
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16y ago

The psychological profile built on Adolf Hitler by the OSS during and after WWII included intervues in Canada with the family physician that the Fueher had been routinely beaten and abused by his father as a chilld. He also affirmed that young Adolf had a deep attachment and perhaps a fixation on his mother Klara. While the family Physician had no training in psychotherapy, he being Jewish had no rationale for for altering his story abouut young Adolf.

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16y ago

Yes because his father was wanting him to go into a school training for war and hitlers father was very strict it has been throughout the hardships of his young life that,he had nobody to teach him well..

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12y ago

Hitler had a very rough childhood as his dad beat him and abused him, his mother beloved him very much but had died of cancer when Hitler was 18 years old. Hitler had many brothers and sisters but never saw them much

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12y ago

when Hitler was youmg his father would beat him constantly nd his older brother ran away when he was 12 because of his father. Hitler ended up on the streets

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15y ago

he was raped as a small boy. so ask yourself how would that change your life? --- There's not one scrap of evidence for that.

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