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Q: Did Viking women have jobs
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What skills did viking women have?

Women Viking skills

What were the names and jobs of the Viking Crews?

The names and jobs of the Viking Crews were sailor, captain and tower watcher.

What has the author Lena Elisabeth Norrman written?

Lena Elisabeth Norrman has written: 'Viking women' -- subject(s): History, Scandinavia, Viking Civilization, Viking Women, Women, Women weavers, Antiquities

What skills did the viking women have?

there skill was building longships and other things but i dont know

Why were viking women so independent?

Their husband were gone viking most of the time.

What were viking women buried with in their grave?


What did the viking women do when the viking men were in battle?

Took care of their farms/homes, kids, livestock and property.

What rights did viking women have?

viking woman had rights. Divorce rights: the woman was entitled to the land after divorce

Viking women were called viqueens?

obviously it would be vikette

Did viking women go on raids?

No, they stayed at home.

Did viking women vote?

no the men was in charge only

What did viking women use as pads?

PRobably leaves