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yes many did and many people died

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Q: Did any factories get bombed in world war 2?
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Was bristol bombed World War 2?

Bristol had many important factories that were targets in WW2

How many factories were bombed in World War 2?

Only 2: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Why was Bristol bombed World War 2?

Bristol had many important factories that were targets in WW2

Why was islington bombed in World War 2?

Hitler wanted to control the air first by a bombing raid.

What happened to Southampton in world war 2?

Southampton was majorly bombed because it was a big port.

Why did Germany bomb factories in world war 2?

The main reason why the Germans bombed factories was because if they it and electricity or food factories the electricity would go and they would eventually starve to death.

Where there toys factories during World War 2?

NO. Any and all factories were geared for war production.

In World War 2 Germany bombed 2 Japanese cities?

Germany never bombed any Japanese cities during World War 2. They were allied to each other during that war.

How did the American government produce the necessary supplies as quickly as possible to fight world war 2?

US Factories were NOT bombed by the enemy during WW2.

Why was important places chosen to be bombed during world war 2?

They were chosen because they would be the places like the cities and busy areas and those were the places with the most factories. Therefore if they bombed down the cities they would destroy the factories as well as kill/injure loads of people!

How did World War 2 make the America one of the great powers of the world?

The US was the only industrialized nation not bombed (heavily) during WW2. Our factories were able to build war material un-interrupted.

Were any factories destroyed in World War 2?

Thousands of factories in Britain and Europe were destroyed in WW2.