no you dont.
Social Security is probably the most important New Deal program as it helped millions of senior citizens out of poverty.
providing public housing for poorer {you're welcome :}
im social studies we were asked this question and i don know the awenser
Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt was in a wheelchair as he had contracted polio before election. He surived but was crippled. He broguht America out of the Great Depression and started that whole 'Social Security' thing. General George C. Marshall
No president can borrow from social security or any other gocvernment agency. Social security is controlled by the US Congress. Congress has made a long-time practice of borrowing all the money collected from social security taxes ( FICA) and spending it in the general fund. The social security fund consists entirely of "IOUs "( bonds) from the US treasury.
No president can borrow from social security or any other gocvernment agency. Social security is controlled by the US Congress. Congress has made a long-time practice of borrowing all the money collected from social security taxes ( FICA) and spending it in the general fund. The social security fund consists entirely of "IOUs "( bonds) from the US treasury.
I never borrowed against Social Security, so I'd say the answer is "Never."
the great depression
George W. Bush raided and spent a total of $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus during his eight years as president. In his last year, he spent $192.2 billion, which averages out to more than $526 million per day.
Social Security Improvement
This is a question that's answer is soley based on opinion.
August 14, 1935