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Q: Did congress borrow from social security during World War 2?
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Did George W. Bush borrow from social security?

No president can borrow from social security or any other gocvernment agency. Social security is controlled by the US Congress. Congress has made a long-time practice of borrowing all the money collected from social security taxes ( FICA) and spending it in the general fund. The social security fund consists entirely of "IOUs "( bonds) from the US treasury.

Did George W. Bush borrow social security?

No president can borrow from social security or any other gocvernment agency. Social security is controlled by the US Congress. Congress has made a long-time practice of borrowing all the money collected from social security taxes ( FICA) and spending it in the general fund. The social security fund consists entirely of "IOUs "( bonds) from the US treasury.

Who was the second president to borrow money from social security?


When did you first borrow against social security?

I never borrowed against Social Security, so I'd say the answer is "Never."

During what historic time did the united States Congress pass the social security act?

the great depression

How much money did George W. Bush borrow from SS?

George W. Bush raided and spent a total of $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus during his eight years as president. In his last year, he spent $192.2 billion, which averages out to more than $526 million per day.

Who decided that there would be no COLA for social security?


What wasn't an idea of president Truman that were rejected by congress?

Social Security Improvement

Should congress privatize social security?

This is a question that's answer is soley based on opinion.

What was the first year that congress took funds from the social security trust fund?


When did the united state congress pass the social security act?

August 14, 1935

Which year did congress vote to add the Medicare and Medicaid programs to social security?