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No, all that defeating the confederacy did was rid the U.S. of slaves. (Mostly)

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Q: Did defeating the confederacy justify harming civilians?
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How did the us government justify dropping the A- bomb?

The cost of invading Japan was extrapolated from the previous invasions of Japanese held islands. A conservative estimate was that over a million US servicemen would be casualties and that there would be a similar rate among Japanese civilians, not to mention the Japanese military. The shock value of the A-bomb and the loss of several hundred thousands probably saved several million lives.

How did the US try to justify its involvement in Hawaii?

gosh people learn your so dumb

In presenting his four freedoms roosevelt was trying to?

Justify America's neutrality His audience held many different opinions about the war.

What moral question was at the heart of the arms race?

Nova Net Review Test Answer: Does winning a battle justify destroying civilization? (That Question is the answer)

Does shortening a war to save lives justify killing civilians?

I know exactly what you are talking about. It depends. The United States used two nuclear bombs on Japan to end the Second World War, causing widespread devastation, the death of thousands of civilians, and the surrender of Japan. This is a matter of opinion. I believe, earnestly, that the actions of the United States here were completely justified. Don't get me wrong. I think it's terrible that human beings have to go through such horrors as this. But I have read too many accounts of American prisoners of the Japanese, too many stories of the Death March and other Japanese cruelty (both sides committed atrocities, but the USA tended to treat POWs much better. In the final days of the European war, Germans flocked to the American lines and fled from the Russians). The war needed to end as soon as possible, and an attack on the Japanese homeland (which was defended by fanatic Japanese, civilians and soldiers alike) was out of the question for a nation that had a nuclear weapon. Most historians will probably agree that to try to take the Japanese homeland using conventional methods would have extended the war by months and years, caused much more bloodshed than the bomb did (the bomb just demoralized them) and used thousands and millions of tons of material more. I honestly believe that the USA was justified, though wars should never even have to start....

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the united states had been formed by a voluntary joining of states

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They did not need to justify it, in their minds. They believed that there were witches harming children in Salem and that was a reason to go on a witch hunt. And if they ever had to justify their actions to a modern person, I suppose that's what they'd say.

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It was most likely the Protestant version that they had at that time.

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Because freeing southern states weakened the confederacy, the proclamation could be seen as a military action.

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The past tense of 'justify' is 'justified'.

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I can give you several sentences.He tried to think of an excuse to justify his bad behavior.Can you justify that action?"Justify me; open my mind to the things I can be." (from the Nate James song "Justify Me")suzan had to justify the amount of time she would give me for the test

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Prefix for justify

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A sentence with justify?

She tried to justify her actions by explaining the reasoning behind her decision.

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The suffix of "justify" is "-ify."

How do you justify a book character?

Oh come on.In order to Justify a book you have to read over it to justify make sure you are right.Prove It