The battle of Hangar Wood started because of the Germans sinking a british hospital ship.
Sadako Sasaki died of leukemia in a red cross hospital And because she did not achieve her goal of folding 1,000 paper cranes
The only anesthetics they had during the Civil War were whiskey - you were supposed to get so drunk you couldn't feel a thing - and chloroform, which is inhaled. The chloroform killed the pain but didn't render you unconscious; Stonewall Jackson reported that he could hear them amputating his arm but not feel it. Because they didn't know how much chloroform to give a patient, some casualties died from chloroform poisoning.
many soldiers couldn't even make it to a hospital because it was too dangerous to get them off the battlefield. if they did make it to a hospital they did very painful and early procedures, like if you got shot in the leg they would just cut it off and burn the end were they cut to stop the bleeding
So many amputations were performed because the lack antiseptics and an unsterilized surgical environment meant that infection from gangrene was a constant and frequent result of removing the bullets and shell fragments that immediately threatened the patients' lives. Once infection set in, there was no other way to prevent its spread. There were no antibiotics, either. The surgeries were performed without anesthetics, as well.
I would say that the hospital is every little bit responsible for not seeing the infection. But don't go out and sue them, because if they screened you, the machinery might have malfunctioned. But I say you should check that and NEVER go to that hospital for surgery or something again.
Because Teens engaged in more unsafe sexual practice than any other ages group.
If a child is rushed to the hospital because of high fever for more than three days, they will likely do some routine tests. They will be checking for infection or any other signs of illness.
She was in the hospital because she was suffering from Anorexia.
i think no because shut be to hard for who ever is in the hospital
You could have a UTI. Schedule an appointment with your doctor before it gets bad. I didn't know what it was either, and didn't take care of it. That resulted with me being in the hospital for 5 days because it turned into a kidney infection. In the meantime, take azo cranberry pills and you can go to any vitiman store and get "d-manose" made by solray. You can't take enough of those.
Absolutely! People who are patients in the hospital are often immunocompromised. You don't want people who are sick coming to visit, because they could get the patients sick and this would only exacerbate their current conditions.
its is probally because they have it pierced if they wont show it to you but if they dont they could have tried to but if it has no sigh of piercing or infection where one used to be then take your kid to the doctor
Everyone in the school contracted viral infection because of water contamination. I have a infection on my arm. I once had a ear infection.
Because they Practice, Practice, Practice, and Practice.
he was in the hospital because he had a solution experiment and it didn't end that well
Cheryl Cole went to the hospital because she got malaria.This is because she went to Africa.