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No,because they thought the slaves would beat them,not the Union.

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Q: Did slaves join confederate army
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To fight for what they believed in.

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Yes,slaves did join his army.They joined his army because when they got freed they didnt no where to go so they joined Shermans army.

Who left the Union Army to join the Confederate Army?

a number of Southern West Point graduates sided with the Confederate cause and left the Union Army. I believe General Robet E. Lee join the confederate cause.............

Why did the british army expect many slaves to join the army?

Quite simply because it had worked everywhere else in the Empire. Massive armies in occupied countries such as India were made mainly of slaves. However, it was not expected that slaves would join the army, it was a plan of action.

Which General left the U.S Army to join the confederate army?

There were several. The best known was Robert E. Lee.

Which generals left the U.S. Army to join the Confederate Army?

There were several. The best known was Robert E. Lee.