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They actually searched tanks to look for them people, that way the German's can kill them most of all.

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Q: Did the Nazis ever search boats to look for the Jews?
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Did Hitler ever wear Birkenstocks?

Yep, in 1942 he stomped on some jews

What did the Nazi people believe?

The Nazis, or National Socialist German Worker's party, gained power in Germany in the 1930s by lies and propaganda. It had a racist ideology that genocide and war crimes were acceptable in order to get rid of racial groups they did not like. They were responsible for the event known as the Holocaust. Hitler, their leader, brainwashed the people to believe that 'non-ayrans' were subhuman and scapegoated them for the country's economic problems. When Hitler and the Nazis came to power they turned Gemany from a democracy to a fascist police state. Because Hitler led the Nazis to believe that non-ayrans, especially Jews, were subhuman, it was easier to lead them to massacre trhe Jews and believe it was right to send innocent Jews and others to forced labor camps, torture them and murder them. In World War II, the United States, Britain, and the USSR and many other countries fought against Germany and its allies and managed to remove the Nazis from power in Germany. Today Neo-Nazis, tend to belong to hate groups and commit hate crimes. They will deny that the Holocaust ever happened, in order to convince more people to support them. They hate Jews, black people, the disabled and homosexuals. If they are in a powerful position at their jobs, they might practice discrimination, only hiring straight, non-Jewish, non-disabled white people. The symbol of the Nazis is the swastika.

Were ovens used in the war?

A common mis-naming is that the gas chambers the Nazis used to kill prisoners are sometimes referred to as ovens. But nothing was ever burnt in these places. People were herded into these rooms and gas was turned on poisoning them.

Were other people killed along side the Jewish people in Europe?

Absolutely. The genocidal policies of the Nazis resulted in the deaths of about as many Polish Gentiles as Polish Jews, thus making them co-victims in a Forgotten Holocaust. This Holocaust has been largely ignored because historians who have written on the subject of the Holocaust have chosen to interpret the tragedy in exclusivistic terms--namely, as the most tragic period in the history of the Jewish Diaspora. To them, the Holocaust was unique to the Jews, and they therefore have had little or nothing to say about the nine million Gentiles, including three million Poles, who also perished in the greatest tragedy the world has ever known. Little wonder that many people who experienced these events share the feeling of Nobel Laureate Czeslaw Milosz, who anxious when the meaning of the word Holocaust undergoes gradual modifications, so that the word begins to belong to the history of the Jews exclusively, as if among the victims there were not also millions of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, and prisoners of other nationalities. -- Richard C. Lukas, preface to The Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles under German Occupation 1939-1944

Who was vidkun quisling?

Vidkun Quisling was a Norwegian politician. He was a friend of the Nazis and was Prime Minister of the Nazi puppet government after the Germans invaded Norway. After the war, he was shot by a firing squad as a traitor. "Quisling" has been used as a synonym for "traitor" ever since.

Related questions

Did the Nazis ever insult or humiliate the Jews?

Yes. For example, the Nazis forced the Jews to clean the pavement. --Janet

Were the Jews ever cremated?

Yes, the Nazis burned large numbers of Jews, as was also done in the Spanish Inquisition.

Were any Jews ever released from concentration camps by the Nazis?

In 1938-39 a number of Jews were released on condition that they left Germany within two weeks.

When did the Jews plan to assassinate adolf Hitler?

There was no group such as 'The Jews'. The Nazis tried to suggest that there was a global Jewish conspiracy, but there was no system i which Jews from different places were bound together. So 'The Jews' did not ever plan to assassinate Hitler.

Did some Nazis help Jews?

If you've ever heard of Schindler's List, it's about Oskar Schindler, a member of the Nazi party who saved hundreds of Jews from concentration camps. So, yes.

Why did the Nazis carry out the the Holocaust in camps?

The Nazis didn't want to carry out the Holocaust publicly, for example in the street.

Were there French Nazis?

Yes French Nazis existed. Where ever the Nazis took power, more of their kind sprouted up.

Do you believe that any Nazis felt remorse for their actions against the Jews?

A very small number may have shown some remorse, but there's no evidence that the majority did. They just 'lived happily ever after'.

Why are people watching carefully to make sure the holocaust wont return?

Because the Nazis executed thousands of innocent Jews and no one wants a slaughter of that many people to ever happen again.

Were there ever Nazis in Rochester New York?

Yes, there were Nazis in rochester New York. Hitler actually brought the Nazis straight to New York.

What are Jewish consintration camps?

Jewish consintration camps were camps that the Nazis put Jews. They put them there to work and hardly ever gave them food. When the Jews there were no longer needed they would be sent to the gas chambers or huge fireplaces, and be killed. Hitler was the one in charge, he wanted power and that was a way to get it.

Did Jews ever give up during the holocaust?

In a lot of cases, the Jews did not that they were being led to slaughter. The Nazis told them that they were going to take a large group shower, but instead of water coming out of the shower head, poison gas did. As with any group, there were Jews who could not take life in the concentration camps, and some who resisted until the end.