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The exact date of the start is debated upon. However, the common agreement is that i started at the Yalta Conference between US, USSR and the UK. The Yalta conference was in August 1945.

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Q: Did the cold war start in 1946?
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the cold war start and finish is (1945-1991)

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Why what was the cold war?

Answer:The Cold War was an ideological war between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Cold War was stated to start after WW2 (1946) and ended from the collapse of the Berlin Wall (1990).(During the Cold War the Korean and Vietnam war occured as well as the Cuban Missile Crisis).- K2

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America feared the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The Cold War lasted for over 40 years from 1946 to 1991.

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The Cold War started in 1947.

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