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Did the national labor relations act guarentee government support for organized labor?

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Q: Did the national labor relations act guarentee government support for organized labor?
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Continue Learning about Military History

What was an activity of the national war labor board?

ensuring agreements between defense industries and organized labor.

What was an activity of the National War Leader Board?

Ensuring agreements between defense industries and organized labor.

Who maintain armed forces state or national government?

The armed forces of the U.S. are in the Defense Department, which is part of the executive branch of the federal (national) government.

Was the national government of Germany during World War 2 the Nazis or something else?

The Nazis were a political party, Nazional Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiteren Partei (National Socialist German Workers Party). The government system that they put in place after they got rid of the constitution was called a National Socialist government. Michael Montagne

What are some disadvantages about the confederation?

In the confederal form of government, the national government gets its power from the states. The weakness with this form is that the national government can only reach states in mandates that are issued, not individuals. For example, if the country goes to war, the national government in a confederation would not be authorized to hold a draft. Instead, the national government would have to rely on states to round up citizens for war. The same would apply to taxes. The nat. government would only be able penalize states rather than being able to penalize individuals directly. This is recognized in the US government only up to the point that states are authorized to do whatever is not explicitly stated otherwise in the Constitution.

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Which government agency certifies labor unions?

The National Labor Relations Board.

How do you explain intergovernmental relations?

Define intergovernmental relations its refer to fedralism into actions which mean that them political ,social, administration and programatic relations between the national government and the other kinds of government like local and state ,,,

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Did the national labor relatons act create the first union for government employees?

Why do you need an organized efficient government?

To maintain national security and also to regulate businesses.

What terms has been coined to describe today's national state government relations?

The term coined to describe today's national-state government relations is nation-state. The concept of the nation state can be compared and contrasted with that of the multinational state or city and state.

What term has been coined to describe today's national-state government relations?

The term coined to describe today's national-state government relations is nation-state. The concept of the nation state can be compared and contrasted with that of the multinational state or city and state.

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Sovereignty both the states and the national government in the area of foreign relations?

D) restricts/empowers

The federal government has become the dominant player in federal state relations?

The federal government has become the dominant player in federal state relations. This is to assist the states to work cohesively with the national government and ensure that resources are distributed in an equitable manner.

What agency of the US government regulates labor relations in the airline industry?

THE NLRB --National Labor Relations BoardAdded: The NLRB regulates labor laws in allindustries.

New union group that organized large numbers of unskilled workers with the help of the Wagner act and the national labor relations board?

Agricultural Adjustment Act