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Negative. Women didn't begin manning warships or warplanes until the 1990s and the 21st century.

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Q: Did women serve on air craft carrier's in World War 2?
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Did women serve during world war 2?


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Women were not allowed to serve in the militaryduring WWI

Women at the front armed services during ww1?

No during world war one women didn't serve in the army

Which is the only country in the world with military women?

Women serve with honor and distinction in the military forces of a great number of nations.

How did the women serve their country during world war 2?

The women made cloths and ran shops and factories, but they did not fight.

What war did women first serve as member of the navy?


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Ellen craft was a women who escaped from slavery posed as a white master to her husband William Craft.

Which organization provided women a chance to contribute to the war effort during World War 2?

The Women's Army Corps was a place where women could serve during World War II.

Can women get Lesch Nyhan syndrome?

A few cases of the disorder in girls have been reported. Women carriers usually do not have any symptoms. Women carriers can occasionally develop inflammation of the joints (gout ) as they get older.

Can women get Lesch-Nyhan syndrome?

A few cases of the disorder in girls have been reported. Women carriers usually do not have any symptoms. Women carriers can occasionally develop inflammation of the joints (gout ) as they get older.

What were Woman's Involvement in World War 1?

Women were generally only allowed to serve as nurses.

Did women have to serve in Vietnam?

Women were volunteers.