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They didn't really sneak but they just wanted to help out

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Q: Did women sneak into World War 2?
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Why the US entry World War 2?

The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor propelled the US into the war.

Why were women in World War 2?

Women that were in World War 2 did not fight in the war. The women did many of the other types of jobs such as being nurses and driving vehicles.

What impact did World War 2 have on British women as mothers?

What impact did World War 2 have on British women as mothers

Where there any women in the military in World War I and 2?

Yes, there were women in world war 1 and 2. The women had to work on farms and grow food for the men

What are some websites and books about women's duties during World War 2?

"Women in World War II

Why did the US finally enter World War 2?

The US entered World War 2 after the attack on Pearl Harbor. When over 2,400 US lives were lost in a sneak attack on a Sunday morning, there was no stopping US involvement in the war.

What was the immediate result of the sneak attack on pearl harbor Hawaii?

The United States declared war on Japan, and entered World War 2.

When did women take the position of men in World War 2?

at the start of world war 2 in 1941

What did tyhe Women do in World War 2?

Women worked in many industries and farms in the war.

About how many women in World War 2 were comfort women?

about 200,000

How many women were evacuated in world war 2?


Why did women have to do Mechanics in World War 2?

Because men were at war