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Yes. ANy male from 18 to 25 are required to register.

Pretty much there is no way around it unless you can prove a disability or a good enough reason why you shouldnt. When male students apply for financial aid for college they are required to register with the selective service in order to receive financial aid services.

Ironically even male's who are undocumented are still required to register aswell. The reason i think its ironic its because even though undocumented males by law cannot receive benefits as regular citizens do they must still sign up and be drafted when there is a war going on.

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13y ago

Yes, unfortunately. Just do it and get it over with. I had to do it even thought I hated doing it. It is one of life's unpleasant realities.

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Q: Do young men still need to sign up for the Selective Service?
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when must all men register for selective service

Who has to register with the selective service SSS Gov?

Currently all males between the ages of 18 and 25 must register with the selective service SSS Gov. Only those who are US citizens or Green Card holders need to register.

Registering for the selective service?

Go to your local Secretary of State office they should have a form you fill out. OR You could do it online via the Selective Service's website. All you need is your full name, DOB and SSN, registration is instant. sss(DOT)gov

Do you need to register for selective service to get a student loan?

You have to have registered by age 26 to receive Federal Aid. In short, yes.

You lost your selective service number?

Copies of proof of registration may be obtained by calling the Selective Service at (847)688-6888. You may also obtain a copy by writing to: Selective Service System, P.O. Box 94638, Palatine, Illinois, 60094-4638. Make sure to provide your name, date of birth, Social Security Number, and current mailing address.

When i 18year old i had registered with military selective service and now i am 30 i would like fine that selective number again because i need that to apply for us citizenship?

Contact the board where you registered, give them them your information and request a duplicate card or copy.

If you have service pack 4 do you still need service pack 3?

No, service pack 4 over-rides service pack 3.

Does every 18yr old still have to sign up for the draft?

Yes, if you're a male United States citizen and are 18 years old, you will need to sign up for the Selective Service. Signing up makes sure that you're eligible for government aid and other benefits.

Is developing 35mm film being phased out?

No. People will still need the service.

If you took an ASVAB test do you need to take the civil service test?

Yes, you do still have to take the civil service exam

If you have service pack 3 do you still need service pack 2?

No, it'd be okay then.--for comments and suggestions, email

How many points do you need to get into Selective?

a constint 80 and over