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Q: During the effort to desegregate schools in little rock Eisenhower placed the Arkansas national guard army command to do what?
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Who was the general to command both operation Torch and operation overlord?

Dwight D. Eisenhower .

What was the nickname for the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces?

Dwight D Eisenhower was in command of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, called SHAEF. Eisenhower was nicknamed Ike.

Who was in the plan Operation Overlord?

it was a top secret plan. called D-day. The US was in it. It Was a Plan To Attack At Normandy Beach.

Who was the allied leader for the D-Day invasion?

Gen Eisenhower was the leader. ---------------- General Montgomery was in charge of Operation Overlord, the Allied invaision of Normandy. He was chosen because he had more battlefield experience. There may have been a little political influence in the decision as well. Eisenhower was the Supreme Comander for allied forces in Europe but he did not take direct command of the Allied armies in France until after the Breakout from Normandy and the fall of Paris. You could compare Montgomery to Rommel as both were in command of the troops on the ground. You could compare Eisenhower to von Rundstedt as they were both in command of the entire theatre in which the landings toook place. As the Allied armies expanded from 1 battle group, Omer Bradley assumed command of the US forces in the field and Montgormary retained command of the Commonwealth and British forces, with Eisenhower as overall commander.

Who command the US forces in Europe World War 2?

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the commander of forces in Europe during WWII

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Why did Eisenhower put the Arkansas National Guard under Army command in front of schools in Little Rock during the effort to desegregate?

Eisenhower put the Arkansas National Guard under Army command in front of schools in Little Rock during the effort to desegregate schools to keep the guard from being led by the governor of Arkansas and to prevent violence.

Why did Eisenhower put the Arkansas National Guard under Army command in front of schools in Little Rock during the effort to desegregate schools?

Eisenhower put the Arkansas National Guard under Army command in front of schools in Little Rock during the effort to desegregate schools to keep the guard from being led by the governor of Arkansas and to prevent violence.

During the effort to desegregate schools on little rock why did eisenhower place the Arkansas national guard under army command?

so that the guard would follow its commanders and prevent violence

During the effort to desegregate schools in Little Rock why did Eisenhower place the Arkansas National Guard under Army command?

To keep the guard from being led by the governor of Arkansas

Who was the commander of the allied forces in Europe?

Winston Churchill; General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Why did Dwight D. Eisenhower send troops to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce school integration?

President Eisenhower did not agree with the decision of the Supreme Court in Brown vs Board of Education that educational institutions in the South were unequal and segregation hurt students who did not get an "equal" education. He felt the decision was a mistake. But, as President he was sworn to uphold the law and enforce the law. Eisenhower was a constitutionalist and to him, the Court's ruling had the force of law. Governor Faubus of Arkansas was defying the Court's order so Eisenhower took over command of the National Guard and ordered troops to enforce the integration of Central High School.

Overall command of the invasion of France?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

What is the abbreviation for Eisenhower's command?

Eastern Theater of Operations (ETO)

Who was given command for Operation Overload in World War 2?

Eisenhower .

Eisenhower's command abbr?

Wasn't it ETO for European Theater of Operations

Who was in command for the Allies on D-Day?

general Dwight d. eisenhower

Who removed George S. Patton from command of the 3rd Army?

Dwight Eisenhower