If you are talking about prizefighting, the old English verb 'to box' means 'to punch, to hit'. If you are talking about the Chinese uprising (the 'Boxer Rebellion') of around 1900 AD, the name was a 'translation' by the British of the rebel group's Chinese name meaning "The Righteous and Harmonious Fists".
The fall of the city of Shanghai ended the Taiping Rebellion. This event happened in August of 1860.
John Brown, an abolitionist ( someone who wishes to stop slavery ) tried to start an antislavery rebellion by attacking a US. army post located in Harper's Ferry, Virginia. The people in the Union ( North ) saw him as an incredibly bold hero while the Confederates ( South ) saw him as a violent Northerner. Hope that answered your question!
The British.
It became known as 'The Boxer Rebellion' 2nd Nov 1899 – 7th Sep 1901
It was the 'Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists' desire to drive out all foreigners from China, that led to the Boxer Uprising (or Boxer Rebellion) - so the problem was not caused by any particular country.
The Boxer Rebellion
They were known as, Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists, and it was called 'The Boxer Uprising' or 'The Boxer Rebellion' and it happened in 1900.
The Chinese group which rebeled against foreign rule called themselves the Righteous and Harmonious Fists. Boxer was a name given to them by the foreigners. I can only speculate that it was because of the association of boxers and fists, and done in the interests of brevity. It was a long name to say when translated to the languages of China's eleven foreign occupiers, except perhaps to the Japanese.
The Boxer Rebellion.
The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising that took place in China in 1900. As European nations increased their influence on China, feelings against foreigners grew among the Chinese. An organization called the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists was formed to demenstrate the Chinese's discontent. They soon came to be known as the Boxers. The Boxer Rebellion began with a series of attack on Chinese Christians. Foreigners in the interior and foreign diplomats in Beijing were also attacked. Armies from Japan and the west crushed the uprising and forced China to grant more privaleges to foreign powers. China also had to pay a large indemnity. After the defeat many Chinese called for Western Reforms.
Held foreigners as captives.
They were known as, Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists, and it was called 'The Boxer Uprising' or 'The Boxer Rebellion' and it happened in 1900.
boxer rebellion :)
Boxer Rebellion
Foreigners were responsible for crop failures in China.