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He blamed the Jews for all the troubles of Germany.

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Q: Hitler blamed for all the troubles of Germany.?
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Where did Hitler form his beliefs that led to the Holocaust?

He had believed that the Jews had caused the great deprssion in Germany while the crisis was in America that time also. And that all the depression was blamed on Jews.

Why did Hitler hate jewa?

Hitler hated Jews becasue he believed they were an inferior race and he also believed that they were responsible for Germany losing the First World War. He basically blamed the Jews for all problems.

What was the cause of Hitler killing all of the jews?

Nazi philosophy blamed all of Germany's problems on the Jews. In Mein Kamph Hitler even wrote that as long as a singleJew remained alive anywhere in the world, Germany could not succeed at any task it set out to do. Killing the Jews as fast as possible was thus one of the Nazi's highest priorities in WW2.

Who did Hitler blame for Germany's troubles?

His writings and recorded statements from before the war make it absolutely clear that war was what he wanted and he made no secret of it. When Germany was winning the war he claimed full credit for it and gloried in his role in starting it. When it was lost he blamed the people he blamed for everything, the Jews. Michael Montagne

What is scapegoat and how is this in the Holocaust?

Scapegoating had a lot to do with the holocaust because of Hitler and the Nazi regime's blame upon Jews. Scapegoating is when something is used in place of another, in this case Hitler using Jews to blame for all war, troubles, and political/economic issues. Not only did Hitler use the Jewish population as a scapegoat, bet he manipulated and twisted the minds of his own population to heighten his own power and to strengthen his dictatorship. Scapegoating is also used in Mafias, drug cartels, and any other large crime organization; Usually illegal underground businesses run by corrupt leaders with a ladder of power installed into the system.

Related questions

Why was the reason for murder of Jews by Hitler?

Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germany's troubles like losing World War I and their poor economy.

Who blame Germany in whole troubles in world war 2?

The entire world blamed Germany and the Nazis for all the deaths and genocide of the Jews. They blamed the Germans for not killing Hitler at the begginning. They blamed the criminals at the Nuremburg Trials for not stopping all the atrocities and for not stopping Hitler.

Who blamed the Jews for all of Germany's problems?

Adolf Hitler did.

What did Hitler think about Germany being blamed for the war?

Hitler thought that Germany was their idea for killing the Jews but all along it was him who started.

Why was Germany so willing to accept Hitler as a leader and destroy all Jews?

Germany was in a hard economic crisis. Hitler was the solution. Hitler blamed the Jews for owning all bussinesses and not keeping money in Germany.

Did Hitler have a reason to kill the Jews?

No, he blamed them for Germany's problems. So he wanted them all killed.

Why did all Jews got blamed if only one had started the holocaust?

No jew started the holocaust Hitler blamed them for the surrender of Germany in WW1.

What did Hitler target the Jewish population as scapegoat's for all Germany's troubles?

because they were non-aryan (german)

What people group did Hitler single out as the main cause of Germany's problems in the 1930s?

Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germany's problems, from the First World War and the surrender in 1918 to the start of the next war in 1939. They were not singled out however, he also blamed the communists and trades unionists.

How did the Treaty of Versailles push Europe into WW1?

The Treaty of Versaillies pushed Germany and the Nazis into to World War 2 because they had been treated unfairly and the treaty caused their economic downfall. Hitler wanted revenge and to rid Europe of the Jews who he blamed for all their troubles.

Why did Hitler want to Holocaust to happen?

So all the Jews would be vanished... killed.... tortured. He hated Jews. He blamed them for all the problems in Germany!

Why were the Jews blamed for the hardships Germans were experiencing during Hitlers reign?

Hitler used the Jews as scape goats for all Germany's problems.