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Ask at your local American Legion hall or VFW post. Michael Montagne

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Q: How can you find World War 2 veterans still living in the Washington DC area?
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Related questions

What wars have current veterans served in?

There are still WWI veterans living in the US.

How many veterans of World War 1 are still alive today?

there are 3 still living. two Englishmen and one American

Who is still living from the Civil War?

There are no Civil War veterans living .

How many us living WWII veterans?

how many wwii u.s. veterans are still alive

How many people were still alive in World War 2?

In November 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs estimated that approximately 1,462,809 American veterans from this war were still living 670 die every day so as of Nov 2013 =1,218,259 surviving.

In 2007 how many American World War 1 veterans are still living?

In 2007, perhaps three - but now, in 2009, only one left

Are there any soldiers still alive from World War 2?

Yes, there are still two living veterans of World War I in Great Britain and there are probably more in other countries.Yes, but they are in their 70's and 80's now.

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How many british World War 2 veterans are still alive?

I suggest you contact the World war 2 museum in New Zealand. The museum curator or another employee can probably give you the answer or find it for you.There are three well known New Zealand veterans of World War II.Donald HaddonRoger Drayton andHarry Dudfield

How many veterans of the battle of the bulge are still living?

The youngest soldiers who fought in the Battle of the Bulge would be 85, or turning 85 this year. That would mean that some of them still are left, but their numbers would be diminishing rapidly. I don't know a figure for how many soldiers from that Battle are still alive, but they now say that almost 1,500 Veterans of World War II are dying every day. If you run into any World War II veterans - thank them.

How many widows of American World War 1 veterans are still alive?

According to the Veterans Administration, 2,212 World War I veterans were alive on September 30, 2001. By 2008, only 110 are expected to be still living. It is estimated that the last veteran of the "Great War" will have passed away by 2018, one hundred years from the time the war ended. As of November 2001, approximately 50 WWI veterans are still living in the State of Missouri who are the survivig widows and where are they located ?

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