Paolo did die in the holocaust in a concentration camp in Germany called Ravens Brubeck in December 30, 1944
he acually died of old age he survived
He didnt. His Mother and Father where killed but he survived.
There were many different ways to die in the Holocaust. It was a tragic event. One way was they would make you strip down naked, telling you you were either taking a shower or getting bugs removed, and put you into a small, cellar like room. They would fit as many people as possible into the one room, then they would gas you either with hydrocyanic acid (Zyklon B) with carbon monoxide. There were many other ways to die, but this was a tragic one.
None for thier political beliefs. People only died in the Holocaust for being Jewish. The Nazis were responsible for killing political opponents even before they were elected (as they also suffered losses), the actions against political opponents pre-date the Holocaust and most of the actions completed by then.
Alena Vostrá died in 1992.
St. Alena died about 640 AD.
No, Joseph Stalin did not die in the Holocaust. Stalin died in 1953 from a stroke, when the Holocaust had been over for 8 years.
Alena Murray died on February 10, 2009, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
they died of disease and starvation
the children saw their parentrs die
Animals were not targeted during the holocaust, so any that did die, did not die because of the holocaust. The avg number would be the amount that would have died in any other time period.
Alina Gruszczynska died on November 13, 2002, in Ldz, Ldzkie, Poland.
They were worked to death or gased in the chambers.
They made them die violent deaths by the millions.