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After the October Revolution put the Bolsheviks in power, civil war broke out to remove them. Leon Trotsky was made People's Commissar of War and given the task of creating an army to fight against the other side. Trotsky was responsible for organizing the Red Army from Bolshevik militia, army units that supported the Bolsheviks and others into an effective fighting force. He was also good at strategy and tactics in the war. He traveled by armored train from one place to another to direct operations in those areas as needed. He is credited with being the main reason the Red forces defeated the opposing White forces rather than just being a help to win the civil war.

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Q: How did Leon Trotsky help win the Russian Civil War?
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When did Leon Trotsky begin to inform his fellow revolutionaries that a communist regime in Russia could not survive without help?

It was within the Russian Revolution of 1905 that Leon Trotsky began writing his idea that a communist or a Marxist regime in Russia would not last without an ally. Because of the poor industrial strength of Russia and its lack of a real trade union working force, Trotsky was hoping that a Marxist revolution, ideally in Germany . Thus with the help of an advanced industrial power such as Germany, a Russian Marxist regime would receive the help needed to prevent a counter revolution in Russia.

What did Leon Trotsky believe?

Leon Trotsky held many beliefs both in political science, economics and in Marxism. Leon Trotsky believed in the basics of Marxism. He believed that only a violent revolution could bring about a communist society in both Czarist Russia and the Russia ruled by a Provisional Government that replaced the czar when the czar had to abdicate. Trotsky understood how difficult it would be in transforming Russia to help its people. He believed that perseverance was necessary. He worked long and hard for the goal of creating a Marxist state in Russia. Trotsky also believed that Josef Stalin had abandoned Marxism and was directing the USSR into a one ruler State. That State would be controlled by Stalin.

What revolutionary group did Leon Trotsky form in Russia in 1897?

In 1897, Leon Trotsky was operating under his real name of Lev Davidovich Bronstein. In early 1897, Bronstein and his close associates organized a secret group called the South Russian Workers' Union. The group help political discussions and issued leaflets concerning the terrible working conditions in local factories. Soon the police raided the group's meeting place and sent all of them, Bronstein included to the Odessa prison. Soon after he was sentenced for four years and sent off to a Siberian prison camp.

What was a basic belief of Leon Trotsky concerning the relationship of trade unions and the Soviet government?

As early as 1920, Leon Trotsky stood firm on his belief that trade unions and the Soviet government could have conflicting interests. With that being the case as far as Trotsky was concerned, the trade unions needed to be educated on this crucial point. Trotsky saw the problems that workers were having with the Soviet government and to help solve them, he proposed a "shake up" so to speak of unions and union members who disagreed with Trotsky. Here we see how the early beliefs of Trotsky were changed once he and the Bolsheviks came into power. Early on in his career, he pushed for the protection of the workers' trade unions. Later, once in power he reversed his position. In exile, he reverted to his original idea about government suppression of the workers.

Was trotsky a good man?

He was a communist, but he actually cared about his country. Leon Trotsky was going to be leader of the soviet union- but Stalin managed to lie to get him punished for crimes he didnt commit. If trotsky would have become leader the country would still be around, and Hitler would have been crushed within months of annexing austria.

How did Leon Trotsky react to the downfall of the German Communist Party?

Leon Trotsky did believe that Karl Marx was correct in assumption that England or Germany were the most likely places for the first communist party. He also believed that the Soviet Union would need the help of another advanced communist nation, such as at least one of the two previously mentioned.When the Nazi Party gained power in Germany, it ended the existence of the German Communist Party. For Trotsky, the defeat of the German "proletariat" ( Trotsky preferred to use this term instead of the word "Party" for political purposes for reasons seen later ) was the most important event since the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. Trotsky did not blame the power of Hitler for this, but instead placed the blame for it on the leadership of the German Communist Party. Trotsky continued to spread blame around for the German problem. He was critical of Pravda for not speaking about it and Pravda saw blame within the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International. As Trotsky expected, the International took its time to form an opinion. And, decided to place the blame on the Nazi coup d'etat. This of course was not entirely true, as far as Trotsky was concerned. He remain convinced, that the German Party had every chance to destroy fascism but failed, despite all the leverage he believed the Party in Germany had.

What advantage did the communist have over the nationalists in the Chinese civil war?

They had Russia backing them. The Communists back then were all followers of the "Great Communist Revolution" in Russia started by Trotsky and Lennon They had a much larger army and got help from the USSR. -- Nova Net

How do you say need help in Russian?

You can say "нужна помощь" to mean "need help" in Russian.

What does the priest do when he first sees Leon and Ken?

The priest runs to get the help of other members of the church to help Leon and Ken, who are injured and seek refuge in the church.

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the Russian needs were to help the others

How do you say need in Russian?

"Mne nujna pomosh." = "I need help." Spelled in Russian "Мне нужна помощь." Or "Pomogitye!" = "Help!" if that's a call for help. Spelled in Russian "Помогите!"

Why was Trotsky the successor of Stalin?

More like the other way around. In a nutshell: Trotsky was one of the fathers of the original Russian revolution (along with Lenin and some others) and he was the first leader of the Red Army after the revolution in 1918. In the early 1900s, Trotsky (along with Lenin and others) bonded over their desire to build a socialist Russia-and over their dislike and mistrust of the monarchy and the aristocracy. But they differed as well; Lenin supported the Bolsheviks (who wanted a small group and tighter controls running the hoped-for new government), while the more liberal Trotsky supported the Mensheviks (who wanted to be more inclusive and have less controls). Although Lenin pretty much considered Trotsky a traitor at the time, and had little good to say about him, Trotsky never really embraced his separation from Lenin, and in fact, abandoned the Mensheviks after they refused an opportunity to reconcile with Lenin and his group. He got in trouble with the Russian authorities and was sent to Siberia, but he escaped and emigrated abroad, first to London and later to the Americas, specifically, the US. He returned to Europe during WWI, and after the war and the Russian Revolution, he returned to help run the new government and became the first head of the Red Army. Although he and Lenin worked well together (Lenin defended him when others tried to get rid of him) Lenin eventually suffered several strokes and died. Although Lenin wanted Trotsky to succeed him, dissent in the party made his life difficult in many ways. Eventually, Stalin consolidated his power and became, in effect, the head of the government. He and Trotsky despised one another and as Stalin rose to power, Trotsky thought it best to exit the scene. He returned to the Americas, this time to Mexico. This time, luck was not with him-Stalin sent assassins kill him and finally managed it after several unsuccessful attempts. In August 1940 Trotsky was attacked in his home by a man with an ice ax and he dies soon after. He was 60 years old.