The Death Toll Was Around 20,000 Each Day And At The End Of World War 1 Around 6,000,000,000 Death's
China did, but it was a Pyrrhic victory, meaning they won in some way but received a heavy death toll in the process
Russia i believe.
Death Toll of Americans in WWIIThe death toll of Americans was an estimated 406,000 soldiers dead during WWII.
6 million
Depending on what route you take if you take 76 the entire way that is a toll road and will cost you around $25.00 you can take non toll roads but it will take much longer
The deth toll of world war 1 was about 18million and 7 dead military and missing.
Drinking alcoholic beverages will take its toll on the body over time. Occasional drinking is not as bad as heavy alcohol consumption. The liver, bladder and other systems of the body can be adversely affected.
So toll wie anno dazumal - 1962 is rated/received certificates of: West Germany:12
Plagiarism exacts a heavy toll on academic integrity by undermining the credibility of students or researchers. It can also lead to legal consequences for copyright infringement and damage the reputation of individuals or institutions. Additionally, it hinders critical thinking and originality in the development of new ideas.
The total death toll for the United Kingdom in WW2 was 450,400
In the US the toll free prefixes are 800,877,888 and 866. 876 could be a toll free prefix to some area around the world.
About 1,808,000 military but a grand total of Germans was 2,462,897