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The war ended when the Russian Army captured Berlin.

Hitler did not surrender but killed himself. Some conspirasists believe he actually somehow escaped but if he did he's definitely dead today.

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Q: How did World War 2 end --- How did Hitler surrender?
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Did Adolf Hitler start and end World War 2?

He started it but he commited suicied rather than surrender; he didn't end it.

Did Hitler surrendered at the end of the war?

Adolf Hitler committed suicide at the end o World War 2 IMPROVEMENT At the end of the war, Adolf Hitler didn't surrender but committed suicide in order to avoid of being captured alive by the Soviet Red Army.

End of the war in Europe?

1945, Hitler Commits Suicide, Unconditional Surrender From The Germans.

How did world war 2 end for Hitler?

He killed himself so World War II did not end well for Hitler

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Hitler died before the end of World War 2.

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The Japanese Instrument of Surrender was the written agreement that enabled the Surrender of Japan, ending World War II.

What was Hitler's reaction to the end of World War 2?

Hitler committed suicide before World War 2 ended.

Why did world war 2 not end immediately after Hitler's death?

From an underground bunker Hitler tried for many months to run the war, but ultimately was unsuccessful. After his suicide on April 30 it still took several weeks for all the Generals to surrender and the treaties to be signed.

Was Hitler alive at the end of the World War 2?

No, he was not.

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How did World War 2 end officially?

It ended with the surrender of Japan.

When Hitler killed himself did that symbolize the end of the war?

No, it simply meant the end of the war in Europe. In Asia, the Japanese were still fighting and would not surrender until September 8, 1945.