I know that the government asked citizens to donate metal (for bullets) and bacon grease (for rubber).
While the men were away fighting, people were doing a lot at home to help the war effort during World War II. For instance, people held rubber and metal drives, rationed gasoline, and took factory jobs in order to help our side win the war.
During both World Wars, the United States government tried to control the economy at home by rationing certain items in the grocery stores, like sugar and butter. They also rationed gasoline. The people were also asked to donate metal items for recycling and to buy Savings Bonds to fund the war efforts.
It didn't help the people at home hated the ally soldiers
Third amendment
What were some ways us civilans helped at home with the war effort?
Stay at home...
I know that the government asked citizens to donate metal (for bullets) and bacon grease (for rubber).
with perservirence from Churhill
Any kind of public service would help fellow citizens. And everyone has their own version of a hero. Volunteering at a nursing home might make you an elderly woman's hero :)
mom lives with daugther but would like grant to help with in house day care
No because, Citizens has the rights for working at home..as meaning a home job. Theres no Scam for a citizens to have home jobs. They feel want they want 2 do.
Which was an important part of Americans war efforts on the home war?Read more: Which_was_an_important_part_of_Americans_war_efforts_on_the_home_war
it can help through sharing knowledge of being home nurse to the people who dont know yet how to become a home nurse,especially when their someone asking for help during emergency.As they share their knowledge it is important to share the duties and responsibilities of being home nurse...then the personal trait that the home nurse should have....
During the US Civil War, the women did what women through the ages have always done during times of war: stayed home and tended to the farms and work that their husbands had left in order to fight. the women still raised their children, oversaw the workings of the farmer household, and sometimes became involved in war efforts to help defend their own property.
They can never be quartered in citizen homes against the citizens wills.