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Q: How did slavery impact William garrison?
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What did William L. Garrison stand for in the debate over slavery?

William Lloyd Garrison was an abolitionist .

What is William Lloyd Garrison's Occupation's?

William Lloyd Garrison was the editor of "the Liberator" newspaper.

How did William Lloyd garrison impact America?

William Lloyd Garrison was a very radical abolitionist, and many would think that his impact would be abolishing slavery. The big impact that he had, though, was the impact on the media. He represented freedom of the press and of speech. Garrison was definitely not one to censor himself or speak what people wanted to hear, laying the foundation for the growing amount of freedom that the media has now.

How did William Loyd Garrison help people?

William Lloyd Garrison was an abolitionist. He was the editor of the anti-slavery newspaper The Liberator. He was also an anti-slavery crusader.

What did garrison and others want to do with slavery?

William Lloyd Garrison was a passionate abolitionist which means he wanted to abolish slavery forever.

Who was a leader of the anti-slavery society?

William Lloyd Garrison

Who was a leader of anti slavery society?

William Lloyd Garrison

How did William Lloyd Garrison feel about slavery.?

›Garrison spoke out eloquently and passionately against slavery and for the rights of America's black inhabitants, so therefore he felt that slavery was wrong.

The founder of the radical anti-slavery movement was?

William Lloyd Garrison

Who wrote American slavery as it is why is it so effective?

William Lloyd garrison

Who wrote American slavery as it is and why is it so effective?

William Lloyd garrison

Who was a leader of the American Anti-Slavery Society?

William Lloyd Garrison