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who cares - its history

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Q: How did the 911 war start?
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Is the start of World War 2 and the day of 911 attacks linked?

No, only a coincidence.

When to dial 911 during CPR?

Call 911 before you start CPR.

What are the timlines from 911 in the war of Africa?

What do you mean by 'war of Africa'?

How is the war of Iraq similar to the 911?

It isn't.

How do you start a Porsche 911 turbo?

By turning the key

What should you do a PowerPoint about for school?

the Olympics, World War I, World War II, 911.

What if parent is unconcsious and needs medical?

Start by calling 911.

Will the 911 war end?

Not as long as Israel still exists.

Why did Osama bin Laden start 911?

because he couldent get to the president

When did 911 start and when did it end?

on september 11. and i don't know when it ended

Colt model 911 World War 2 what it worth?

do you have a picture ???

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