The third capital of the Mughal Empire was Lahore.
The Afghans invaded the Mughal empire in 1738. the growth of marathas the mughal empire lost its glory..
babur started the mughal empire by invading India from the Delhi sultans.
The Mughal empire occupied much of what is now India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
Mughal Empire ended in 1857.
the mughal empire came to an inglorious end.
The main outside force that contributed to the destruction and downfall of the Mughal Empire was the Hindu Maratha Empire. The raised an army and slowly took out the Mughal generals, which left the Mughal Empire armies weak.
The death of Aurangzeb, the 6th Mughal Emperor, in 1707, marked the decline of the Mughal Empire. The Mughal Empire ended when Bahadur Shah Zafar (1837-1857), was sent to Rangoon as a prisoner by the British, followed by the 1857 war of independence. He died in 1862.
Mughal Empire was created in 1526.
The Mughal empire is better than the Maratha empire.
They replace The Mughal Empire in China
The Mughal empire
the mughal empire lasted 333 years
The third capital of the Mughal Empire was Lahore.