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the bomb blast off the lands

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Q: How did the cold war effect the environment?
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How did the cold war effect the US and china's relationship?

the china did't wan't the cold war to effect them so they fought to stop the cold war

How did yalta set up the cold war?

It did not effect the cold war in anyway

How does war effect the environment?

I love dogs

What effect on the 1968 six day war begins?

The question as written makes no sense. The Six Day War was in 1967 and the effect of the war beginning was that a war followed.

Soldiers stalemate effect?

Stalemate=cold war.

How did the Cold War effect the World?

bob marley

In what year did the cold war go into effect?


How did the capitalism effect the cold war?

by turning the heating on.

What were the side effects of the cold war?

Military spending was drastically cut as a side effect of the cold War. World affairs are still influenced today from the Cold War.

What effect did the cold war have on the Mickey Mouse club?

No russians.

How did the Cold War effect history today?

it really didnt

How did the cold war effect Egypt?

spell check your answer