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Q: How did the destruction of Russian industries after World War 1 become one of the cause of resentment of people?
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Feelings of jealousy will become resentment and can ruin a relationship if allowed to grow.

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Service industries become more important because people need to pay for needs and services which they cannot produce themeselves.

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its become more democratic. The translation has not been easy

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Deforestation is the destruction of a forest, but when the forest is gone, the land does not necessarily become a desert; it is more likely to become a grassland or savanna. If land does become a desert, then it has undergone desertification.

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It became a Russian Colony about 1741.

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The construction of the new highway caused habitat destruction, leading to the displacement of many species of animals and plants.

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Hunting, habitat destruction or disease.

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poaching, lead poisoning, and habitat destruction

What has happened to the Great Lakes because of human industries and farming?

It has become polluted.

How do you become president of Russia?

You have to do ten years of jail time and you have to be Russian

How did the Russian Revolution become a world war?

Neither one of the two Russian revolutions became a World War. Both were in part caused by the damage the war was causing to the Russian population.