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taxed citizens

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Q: How did the government raise money for ww1?
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Related questions

What paper was issued by the government to raise money in World War 1?

bonds were issued by the government to raise money during WW1

Did the army sell bonds to raise money during the revolutionary war?

The Government Sold The Bonds To Raise Money ;pp

How did civilians raise money for World War 1?

Civilians raised money for WW1 by buying war bonds and stamps. Children were encouraged to raise money for bonds and stamps as well. Children helped to raise a good deal of money.

How does the government raise money in direct democracy?

They raise money through the people. For example taxes.

What is The War Revenue Act?

it increased income taxes greatly in order to raise money for WW1.

What is the purpose of sales tax?

To raise money to fund the operations of government.

How does the government get most of their money?

Most Govenments raise money by collecting Tax.

How does the government get most of the money?

Most Govenments raise money by collecting Tax.

What is the intended purpose of a tax on liquor?

To raise money for the government.

What did the federal government do to raise money in 1789?

Issued Bonds

What primary method does the government use to raise money?


How did the civilians raise money for the troops in the US Civil War?

The civilians sold the supplies to the government and the government gave them money for the supplies.