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The babie were either slammed agaisnt the wall or floor, or thrown in the air and then shot.

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The same way that adults and children were killed (via gas chambers, mass grave shootings, furnaces, etc.). The Nazis weren't picky about executions or who recevied them.

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Q: How did they kill infants during the Holocaust?
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How may infants were killed in the Holocaust?

about 1.5 MILLION children & infants were killed during the holocaust.

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How many people were kill ed during the Holocaust?

Around 30 ed's were killed in the holocaust

What did they do with you if you were a woman or a child during the Holocaust?

Kill, probably. They'd spare no one.

How many people did Hitler kill during the Holocaust?

Over 7 million

Was the infants and mothers killed together in the holocaust?

The mothers and the infants were killed together in the holocaust. The mothers carried their children to be executed. The older children were not always executed with their family.

What was the punishment like during the holocaust?

People were put in gas chambers and were starved to death. It is said that the very young infants were used as human shooting targets

Types of people killed during holocaust?

The Holocaust was the attempted extermination of Europe's Jews. At the same time there was an effort to kill as many Gypsies as possible. There were many more victims of the Nazis, but they were not persecuted like those in the Holocaust.

What happened to mothers during the holocaust?

usually killed, or kept alive until they had there baby then they would kill the baby...

Who did the anti semites influence during the Holocaust?

everyone, they infulenced some to kill, others to resist and others to fear for their lives.

How old was Elie's dad during the Holocaust?

Elie's father was in his fifties but to the officers he said that he was forty because in the holocaust you weren't not aloud to work if you were older than fifty they would just kill you

What is an example of Holocaust?

When the Jews were treated really badly by the Germans, and it was so bad it was called The Holocaust.