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A country can survive a naval blockade if they are willing to depend upon other neighboring nations for some of their needs; rationing food, raw materials, and weapons; and using the material they have available for developing their own synthetic products.

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Q: How do countries survive a naval blockade?
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What event led to naval blockade around the Southern States?

The Confederacy's capture of Fort Sumter led to the Naval blockade.

What event led to the naval blockade around the Southern?

The Confederacy's capture of Fort Sumter led to the Naval blockade.

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As a result of the British naval blockade, U.S. Trade with the central powers mostly ended.

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A naval blockade of the island of Cuba (or Cuber as Kennedy used to pronounce it).

What does runner mean?

A blockade runner is a vehicle, mainly naval, with the purpose to bring cargo across a military blockade.

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As a result of the British naval blockade, U.S. Trade with the central powers mostly ended.